Sunday June 23rd   4.30 for 5pm at The Shelter Shed, 25 Hesse St. Q’scliff
featuring Ian Smith, cornet, vocals, washboard and other special effects;
David Gardner; clarinet & sax; Kym Dillon, piano; Sam Lemann, guitar;
Michelle Scully, bass; Garry Grey, drums and Danni Smith, vocals.
This is an all-star line-up with even more Scallywags than last time for a final fling for the Friends
of Jazz Australia, and it is great to have David Gardner on deck again. 

David in fact led the very first band that I presented on the Bellarine 15 years ago, which was A
Tribute to Benny Goodman.  Apart from being a clarinet virtuoso, he is also head of Woodwind in
the Music Dept. at Christian College, Geelong.  It will also be wonderful to have Kym Dillon back
again on piano, and virtuoso guitarist Sam Lemann is another treat in store. The fabulous Michelle
Scully is again on bass; great percussionist Garry Grey on drums, and leader of the Scallywags the
one and only Ian Smith on cornet amongst other things of course , plus his talented daughter,
vocalist Danni Smith. 

This will be a great event featuring some of Melbourne’s leading jazz musicians, and they are all
looking forward to getting together again on Sunday June 23 for their last performance for Jazz
Australia.  Ian Smith and I have been collaborating for 40 years and so it’s great putting some of
his and my favourite jazz musicians together for what is likely to be the best ‘jam session’ you’ll
have ever heard!

The new venue also is exciting.  The food will be fantastic and they are going to turn it on for us on
June 23rd in their marquee at the back of the Shelter Shed which will be terrific for this event, the
third last before I retire on November 24th.  Tables will seat 10 and you can have one for your own
party of ten or share one with others, for this exciting evening with Smithy’s Scallywags.  The only
drawback is that the management are limiting us to an audience of 80.  This is unfortunate,
however they are restricted by Licensing Laws.  So you will need to book early, and seating is
in order of booking.

Bookings:  Tickets are $80/person and can be paid for on-line to Jazz Australia CBA Hawthorn 
BSB  063 138   Account 1001  3193   OR   by cheque or cash to my home address on page 1.  If
you are paying by bank transfer, please don’t forget to add your name to the transaction!

I still have a few copies of The History of Jazz Australia, about the last 50 years of a unique jazz
organization in Australia.  I’ve enjoyed it all, but it’s finally time after 50 years to bring it to a
close.  I enjoyed writing this book during the Covid lockdown and was surprised myself by the way
this unusual story has unfolded along the way.  But it’s not all over yet with three great concerts
ahead including the big finale on Sunday November 24th at the Point Lonsdale Hall with the
exciting Stevenson’s Rockets

However before then I will be featuring the great jazz vocalist Rebecca Barnard with
her new album ‘The Night They Called it a Day’ and this also will be something special at the
Vue Grand Hotel in Q’scliff for Luncheon on Sunday September 8th.  Please put this date in your
Diary, with more details in due course.  Rebecca is the daughter of the late great jazz drummer
Len Barnard and niece of trumpet great Bob Barnard.

I look forward to seeing you at all or some of these three special jazz events between
June 23rd and the end of the year.  All are unique and exciting jazz ensembles, especially chosen
for my final year as an Australian jazz promoter.

Dates for your DiariesSun. June 23  4.30 for 5pm  ‘Smithy’s Scallywags & Friends’;
Sunday September 8th   11.30am for midday at the Vue Grand Hotel, Queenscliff, 
The Night They Called it a Day’ with Rebecca Barnard and her Quartet;  and
Sunday November 24th  4.30 for 5pm at the Point Lonsdale Hall, for the big finale
with  Stevenson’s Rockets plus trombonist Jens Lindgren all the way from Sweden!

I do hope to see you soon!

Diana  A.